Welcome to


The first chamber of this type in Spain!


Relax Zone


VIP Zone


begining with your BREATH

Health is one of the most important aspects of every person's life.

However, the modern lifestyle, filled with stress, sedentary work, processed food, and lack of time for physical activity, leads to an increase in health problems.

Every day we face new challenges of the modern world, which impact our health and wellbeing. Wanting to keep our bodies in good shape and slow down aging processes, we often opt for supplements, aesthetic medicine procedures, or beautifying treatments.

Is there an alternative? Yes


Wellness Therapy

OXYGENSPA Sessions under increased pressure

conditions are a modern and non-invasive way of efficiently delivering a greater amount of oxygen to the body than it can absorb through breathing atmospheric air. The essence of the OXYGENSPA chamber’s operation is harnessing the forces of nature to stimulate the human body for faster rejuvenation, improved functioning, and increased efficiency.

In our unique chamber we create special atmosphere with mix of gases: oxygen, hidrogen and carbon dioxide, these ingredients in the right proportions under increased pressure, which is 1500hPa, are an ideal building material for our body and better well-being.

What people are saying about

OxygenSpa in relation to
Health support

The sessions can be treated as prophylactic, 

as a supplement to current medical treatments, cosmetic-aesthetic treatments, a means aiding in relaxation and unwinding.

Tissue Oxygenation and free radicals neutralization : 

Our Hyperbaric chambers are medium-size rooms where the pressure is 150.0 kilopascals (in other equivalent units 21.7 psi or 1.5 ATA), allowing complete tissue oxygenation. This effect is further enhanced by the added carbon dioxide (approx. 1.5%) and oxygen (approx. 40%). The air in the Hyperbaric chamber is enriched with molecular hydrogen (approx. 0.5%), which is 10,000 times more than in the atmosphere close to the earth‘s surface. Hundreds of scientific researches suggest molecular hydrogen has a huge therapeutic effect across many ailments. Molecular hydrogen acts like a powerful antioxidant removing free radicals that can damage cells. In this way, it is possible to simultaneously oxygenate the tissues and stop the aging processes caused by free radicals. The most important beneficial effect of staying in the Normobaric cabin is the increased stem cell creation and circulation in the blood. These cells have the ability to transform into any other body cell. Therefore, there is a chance for the body to begin complete, natural, and deep regeneration.

More detailed explanations and scientific results about how HBOHT affects the human body may be found in some studies: 

Preliminary study:

“Authonomic and Cognitive Function Response to Normobaric Hyperoxia Exposure in Healthy Subjects“

Opinion on a research project:

“Substantive opinion on research project in the field of influence of Normobaric environment on selected functional parameters of the autonomous nervous system, cardiovascular system and cognitive functions in healthy people”

When to not use a Hyperbaric chamber:

HBOHT is not suited for those with pneumothorax. Persons with existing middle ear barotrauma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will experience significantly longer compression time in the airlock. They require sufficiently slower passage through the lock so that the pressure can gradually equalize. The stretching during the pressure change causes that its change before equalization is not greater than in the case of a flight by plane. If you have any concerns consult a physician before performing a therapy using a pressure higher than the one surrounding us.
The therapy is not recommended for people with diagnosed inflammation of the ear or sinuses.

The sessions can be treated as prophylactic,

as a supplement to current medical treatments, cosmetic-aesthetic treatments, a means aiding in relaxation and unwinding.

Tissue Oxygenation and free radicals neutralization:

Our Hyperbaric chambers are medium-size rooms where the pressure is 150.0 kilopascals (in other equivalent units 21.7 psi or 1.5 ATA), allowing complete tissue oxygenation. This effect is further enhanced by the added carbon dioxide (approx. 1.5%) and oxygen (approx. 40%). The air in the Hyperbaric chamber is enriched with molecular hydrogen (approx. 0.5%), which is 10,000 times more than in the atmosphere close to the earth‘s surface. Hundreds of scientific researches suggest molecular hydrogen has a huge therapeutic effect across many ailments. Molecular hydrogen acts like a powerful antioxidant removing free radicals that can damage cells. In this way, it is possible to simultaneously oxygenate the tissues and stop the aging processes caused by free radicals. The most important beneficial effect of staying in the Normobaric cabin is the increased stem cell creation and circulation in the blood. These cells have the ability to transform into any other body cell. Therefore, there is a chance for the body to begin complete, natural, and deep regeneration.

More detailed explanations and scientific results about how HBOHT affects the human body may be found in some studies:

Preliminary study:

“Authonomic and Cognitive Function Response to Normobaric Hyperoxia Exposure in Healthy Subjects“

Opinion on a research project:

“Substantive opinion on research project in the field of influence of Normobaric environment on selected functional parameters of the autonomous nervous system, cardiovascular system and cognitive functions in healthy people”

When to not use a Hyperbaric chamber:

HBOHT is not suited for those with pneumothorax. Persons with existing middle ear barotrauma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will experience significantly longer compression time in the airlock. They require sufficiently slower passage through the lock so that the pressure can gradually equalize. The stretching during the pressure change causes that its change before equalization is not greater than in the case of a flight by plane. If you have any concerns consult a physician before performing a therapy using a pressure higher than the one surrounding us.
The therapy is not recommended for people with diagnosed inflammation of the ear or sinuses.


What are stem cells?
Stem cells play a very significant role in the body. They have two important features which are decisive of their uniqueness and cause that our cells would be unable to regenerate or rebuild effectively without them.

What are these features?

What does this mean? Depending on the type, stem cells can “convert“ to cells of a strictly defined specialisation, in accordance with what the body requires. This process is called differentiation. For this reason, possible is a constant regeneration and rebuilding of cells. Differentiated stem cells replace those cells which have been damaged or which have died.

This means that they have the ability to create faithful copies of themselves because they can split repeatedly. This process takes place throughout the lifespan of the body.

Many scientists believe that the significance of stem cells is so great that they will be the foundation of the medicine of the future. For many years a wide range of research has been conducted with the aim of finding methods for controlled stem cell differentiation. The idea being to force these cells to convert into strictly defined types of cells, most necessary for the treatment of a specific illness, such as, e.g., stroke, diabetes, or heart disease.

OxygenSpa in relation to stem cells

Stem cells are currently used in such areas as haematology, treatment of medicine as haematology, treatment of myeloid and blood cancers, e.g., leukaemia. Also, conducted are multiple clinical trials relating to the use of stem cells in the therapy of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiac failure, cerebral palsy, or strokes. Stem cells are most frequently acquired in an invasive manner, e.g., through extracting it from bone marrow. They may also be collected from umbilical cord blood cells.


An interesting alternative for surgical procedures associated with the transplantation of stem cells are oxygen therapy sessions in OxygenSpa.


Research conducted on the subject indicates that the conditions inside OxygenSpa can stimulate the bone marrow to increase its production of stem cells. Their growth can even be 8-fold. Why does this happen? 


During an oxygen session, bone marrow is oxidised in the right way – this gently stimulates it to work more intensely, which results in the increased production of stem cells. Their greater amount translates to faster renewal and regeneration processes within the body. Because an increased number of stem cells is noticeable directly after a session and up to 2 to 4 days after a session, to maintain such an effect advisable is the regular repetition of visits to OxygenSpa, e.g., every two to four days.

Ageing is a natural element of our lives. Still, for centuries, people have not ceased in their search for a means toward longevity, trying different kinds of supplements, cosmetic treatments, surgical treatments, and other biological regeneration methods. Oxygen sessions in OxygenSpa can help to maintain youth for longer, allowing the body to function longer in great condition.


Oxygen therapy can be a great alternative and supplement to varied Beauty&SPA treatments,
It carries a range of benefits, such as:

Ageing is a natural element of our lives. Still, for centuries, people have not ceased in their search for a means toward longevity, trying different kinds of supplements, cosmetic treatments, surgical treatments, and other biological regeneration methods. Oxygen sessions in OxygenSpa can help to maintain youth for longer, allowing the body to function longer in great condition.

Oxygen therapy can be a great alternative and supplement to varied Beauty&SPA treatments,
It carries a range of benefits, such as:

in relation to Sport

For athletes, strength and endurance are extremely important. Therefore, the best players enrich their training with regular oxygen-hydrogen therapy. This therapy supports the overall health of the body. But how does it help with performance? Fully oxygenated blood delivers oxygen to all muscles and all cells. The body like a “battery” keeps a high level of oxygen and readiness for reaching extensive performance. “Battery full lasts longer”. With HBOT the performance of high-level athletes can be increased by up to 10% with comfort and safety. Better results, sharper decisions come easier and faster when the body does not suffer a lack of energy.

When it comes to sports, athletes are using more and more advanced technologies to recover after intensive training. Spa centers, massage, and many other activities are being used. Readiness to take the next challenge is highly desirable for sports athletes. The fastest regeneration and recovery is possible only when oxygen circulates with the blood reaching the most distant parts of the body. To fully regenerate muscles and tendons, to be ready for intensive physical effort – oxygen therapy is being used. To get rid of the effects of intensive energy-burning, the most efficient and natural HBOT therapy uses oxygen, pressure, and hydrogen for a fast recovery process. The molecular hydrogen works simultaneously with oxygen. Both therapies bring high performance of regeneration processes.

How OxygenSpa
is built?

OxygenSpa is fully equipped chamber, focusing on comfort, we don’t use masks during the therapy, we are not considered claustrofóbic. Chamber has 2 sections: VIP and Relax, both sections provide wifi, smart tv, tea/coffee, redox water, access to the bathroom. But what is the actual difference between them? Difference is in capacity and the comfort. VIP is more private and it has 4 fully reclined massage chairs. When relax area has 8 seats and chairs recline only a little.

During a two-hour session, inside the chamber, thanks to our solutions that generate the atmosphere, the composition of the atmosphere in OxygenSpa is as follows:

The proportion of gases has been composed to ensure optimal conditions for the renewal and regeneration processes


* partial pressure of oxygen (Pa02)


atmospheric pressure on earth

1 atm

atmospheric pressure in OxygenSpa

≤ 1,50 atm

≤ 39



≤ 39


≤ 2%



≤ 2

≤ 0,5%



≤ 0,5


Benefits from
an OxygenSpa session

Ageing is a natural element of our lives. Still, for centuries, people have not ceased in their search for a means toward longevity, trying different kinds of supplements, cosmetic treatments, surgical treatments, and other biological regeneration methods. Sessions in OxygenSpa can help to maintain youth for longer, allowing the body to function longer in great condition.

Oxygen therapy can be a great alternative and supplement to varied Beauty&SPA treatments,
It carries a range of benefits, such as:

Ageing is a natural element of our lives. Still, for centuries, people have not ceased in their search for a means toward longevity, trying different kinds of supplements, cosmetic treatments, surgical treatments, and other biological regeneration methods. Sessions in OxygenSpa can help to maintain youth for longer, allowing the body to function longer in great condition.

Oxygen therapy can be a great alternative and supplement to varied Beauty&SPA treatments,
It carries a range of benefits, such as:

Redox water with hydrogen

The Japanese are famed for their longevity. What is their secret? Among other things, it is the regular drinking of water saturated with active hydrogen. Consumption of Redox water, according to scientists, is one of the more effective methods for the delivery of hydrogen, a gas which is hugely beneficial, to the human body. Particles of easily adaptable hydrogen dissolved in water facilitate deacidification of the body and elimination of free radicals.

It is irrelevant whether you drink Redox water in bottles or use a water distributor in OxygenSpa. Significant is the method in which the liquid is prepared. This method results in the liquid being free of any forms of contaminants, carcinogens, microplastic, or microorganisms. Crystal purity is achieved through boiling, filtration, ionisation, and revitalisation using the Grander method (developed by the Austrian water researcher Johan Grander), which is based on reviving the primal power and self-purification properties of water by transferring information to it in the form of high frequency vibrations.

Redox water is often defined as the “youth potion”. The health benefits which it presents place it among the most worthy liquids which we should all consume. Hence, drinking Redox water during an OxygenSpa session additionally supports regeneration of the body.


offer in OxygenSpa. 

Take a break during your busy day and recharge your energy, boost immune system, improve your brain performance, relieve stress, improve your sleep and your health!

*Conditions of the offer: “Happy siesta” offer applies for relax area only, session from 14:00-16:00.
You have to arrive 10-15 min before.
All pre bookings should be made online or paid in advance.
We don’t reserve free seats for kids.

To book the offer please contact us:

Marbella – +34 623 402 334
Madrid – +34 623 576 658

You can book a visit at OxygenSpa
buy the best package for you at the best price, manage your reservations or redeem a VOUCHER for a free OXYGENSPA session

using the online booking system

and choose the most convenient time

Golden Hour offer in OxygenSpa!

Enjoy Golden Hour from 6pm to 8pm .
Boost your energy with Oxygen Therapy!
Now every day offer is only *29,99€.

* This offer is only for relax area, session from 18:00-20:00.
You have to arrive 10-15 min before. All pre bookings should be paid in advance.
We don’t reserve free seats for kids.
Offer valid till end of February 2023

OxygenSpa pricing

Check which option will suit you best


One entry

€65 per session

Package 5

5 sessions €275

€55 per session

Package 10

10 sessions €500

€50 per session

Package 5 + 2 FREE

7 sessions €325

€46,43 per session

Package 10 + 5 FREE

15 sessions €650

€43,33 per session


One entry

€85 per session

Package 5

5 sessions €375

€75 per session

Package 10

10 sessions €700

€70 per session

Package 5 + 2 FREE

7 sessions €425

€60,71 per session

Package 10 + 5 FREE

15 sessions €850

€56,67 per session



One entry

One entry

€65 per session
€85 per session



5 sessions €275

5 sessions €375

€55 per session
€75 per session



10 sessions €500

10 sessions €700

€50 per session 
€70 per session



7 sessions €325

7 sessions €425

€46,43 per session
€60,71 per session



15 sessions €650

15 sessions €850

€43,33 per session
€56,67 per session

Exclusive use of the VIP section

€250 per session

Exclusive use of the entire chamber

€500 per session

Exclusive use of the VIP section

€250 per session

Exclusive use of the entire chamber

€500 per session

New OxygenSpa technology

The treatments are subject to schedule availability. It is recommended to request an appointment.

Guests are advised to arrive 15 minutes before the treatment time.


Monday to Sunday 10:00 – 20:00


Monday – Closed

Tuesday – Closed

Wednesday – 12.00 – 18.00

Thursday – 12.00 – 18.00

Friday – 12.00 – 18.00

Saturday – 10.00 – 18.00

Sunday – 10.00 – 18.00